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Prof.Godwin Ogbenebrozie Atedhor
Consulting Editor



Dean (Faculty of Social and Management Sciences)


Umuguma, Imo, Nigeria, 100261

(+234) 8068198515

Full Name: Okoroafor Patience Ezinne Nneka

Marital Status: Married

Place of Birth: Jos Plateau State

Gender: Female

Home Town: Ovim

State of Origin: Abia State

LGA: Isuikwuato Local Government Area.

Office Address: Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Alvan Ikoku

Federal University of education, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.

Nationality: Nigerian


Faculty: Social & Management Sciences

Department: Geography & Environmental Studies

Area of Specialization: Environmental Education

Current Rank: Chief Lecturer


1) A.I.C.E., Owerri -...........................Teaching Assistant 9th September, 1996

2) A.I.C.E., Owerri.............................Assistant Lecturer 1st October, 2000

10) A.I.C.E, Owerri..............................Lecturer II

11) A.I.F.C.E., Owerri...........................Lecturer I


1st October, 2005

1st January, 2009

3) A.I.C.E, Owerri..............................Lecturer II

4) A.I.F.C.E., Owerri...........................Lecturer I

5) A.I.F.C.E. Owerri............................Senior Lecturer 1st October, 2015

6) A.I.F.C.E.Owerri.......................... Principal Lecturer 1st October, 2018

1st October

9th September, 1996

1st October, 2000

7) A.I.F.C.E., Owerri.........................Chief Lecturer

8) A.I.C.E., Owerri -...........................Teaching Assistant

9) A.I.C.E., Owerri.............................Assistant Lecturer

1st October, 2005

1st January, 20092





University of Port




Environmental 2014

1 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in

Environmental Education

Harcourt, Rivers State Education

2 Master of Education in

Environmental Education

Harcourt. Rivers State Education

Administrative 2012


3 Diploma in Administrative


University of Port

Advance Community

Education Services

Port- Canada/Abia

State- University


12) A.I.F.C.E. Owerri...........................Senior Lecturer 1st October, 2015

13) A.I.F.C.E.Owerri.............................Principal Lecturer 1st October, 2018

14) A.I.F.C.E., Owerri...........................Chief Lecturer 1st October, 202


Computer 2008


5 Certificate course


4 Master of Science in Population


Population Studies &




Pacific Western

University Denver,

Colorado U.S.A


Nsukka B.Sc (Ed) 1992

Second Class Upper


Centre of Excellence

Computer Certificate

System- Imo State

1983 -1986

1975 - 1980

7 National Certificate in

Education (NCE)

Theory - Pass

Practice - Credit

History - Merit

Geography - Merit

6 First Degree in B.Sc.


FSLC 1975

1980 -1982



8 T.C. II - Pass

University of Nigeria,


10 First School Leaving


West African



Alvan Ikoku College

of Education, Owerri

Government Girl’s

Training College


Government Girl’s

Secondary School


Ovim Central School 3


1) Soft skills/Transferable teaching skills:

- Communication skills

- Management skill

- Problem solving skills

- Ability to work under pressure

- Collaborative skills

- Interpersonal skills

- Multitasking skills

2) Leadership skills

3) 21st Century Teaching/Learning skills

4) Time management skills

5) Organizational skills


Okoroafor P.E.N (2020): Population and Environmental Education for Family, Life Concerns -

A Guide to Family Life Ideals.

Okoroafor P.E.N (2019): Environmental Education - A Guide to Ecosystem Restoration

Okoroafor P.E.N (2019): Major Environmental Problems - A Handbook for Environmental


Okoroafor P.E.N ((2019): Environmental Education - A Guide to Ecosystem Restoration


1) Okoroafor P.E.N (2022) Addressing Gender Issues from an educational perspective -

A Festschrift in Honour of E.C. Okeke ISBN: 978-978-59121-9-1.

2) Okoroafor P.E.N (2022): "Environmental Ethics: Pros and Cons" A book chapter in

Contemporary Practices in Adult Education for Sustainable Development in Nigeria - A

Festschrift in Honor of Iheanyichukwu Samuel Nzeneri. ISBN: 978-978-59121-9-1 .Pp. 452-


3) Okoroafor P.E.N (2018): Socio-Ethical Issues in Nigeria. Book chapter on Tourism and

Recreation in Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-55922-8-3. Pp.234- 297.4

4) Okoroafor P.E.N (2017): Contemporary Issues in Education a Book of Readings in

Honour of Dr. (Mrs.) M.N. Obasi. ISBN: 978-2579-90-x.

5) Okoroafor P.E.N. (2015): "The Social Sciences Analysis Applications and Social

Changes" Book Chapter (ISBN: 998-978-949-590-l) Pp. 117-130.


 Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State-Lecturer (1996-2024).

 UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund - Consultant/Team Member for

Baseline/Endline Survey as a Field Functionary Supervisor (2008-2011,).


15) A.I.C.E., Owerri............................Teaching Assistant 9th September,1996

1st October, 2000

1st October, 2005

1st January, 2009

1st October, 2015

1st October, 2018

16) A.I.C.E., Owerri.............................Assistant Lecturer

17) A.I.C.E, Owerri..............................Lecturer II

18) A.I.F.C.E., Owerri...........................Lecturer I

19) A.I.F.C.E. Owerri............................Senior Lecturer

20) A.I.F.C.E.Owerri.......................... Principal Lecturer

21) A.I.F.C.E., Owerri.........................Chief Lecturer 1st October, 2021


1) Okoroafor P.E.N, Umo I.S. & Ukwe I.G. (2024): Statistical models of geographical

concentrations of heavy metals in the Kwa Iboe River water resource, Journal of Social

Sciences 1 (1). 1- 14.

2) Okoroafor P.E.N, Umo I.S. & Ukwe I.G. (2024): Climatic seasons, critical patterns and

health risk in the humid tropical Rivers, South Eastern Nigeria, Alvan Journal of Social

Sciences. 1 (1), 1-14

3) Okoroafor P.E.N. & Umo I.S. Coupling the power of Artificial Intelligence in

mitigating human and climate change impacts on biodiversity loss in Oban hotspots,

Nigeria. Journal of Energy, Technology and Environment 5 (3)

4) Okoroafor, P.E.N., Nzeneri, I. S. & Mbalisi, O. F. (2023). Active learning: an

innovative methodology for environmental education implementation. Journal of

Education in Developing Areas, 31 (1), 9 – 23.

5) Mbalisi, O.F. & Okoroafor, P.E.N. (2022). Climate change and adult learning in

Nigeria. AE-FUNAI Journal of Education, 2 (1) (Special Issues).5

6) Okoroafor, P.E.N., Nzeneri, I. S. & Mbalisi, O. F. (2022). Active learning as an

approach for the implementation of environmental education in Owerri Metropolis, Imo

State. Trends in Educational Studies, 14 (1), 196-206.

7) Mbalisi, O.F. & Okoroafor, P.E.N. (2022). Climate change and adult learning in

Nigeria. AE-FUNAI Journal of Education, 2 (1) (Special Issues), 45-53.

8) Okoroafor P.E.N, Umo I.S & Orie Ibeauchi I. Climate Change and Structural Marxism

as bases for Economic Growth and Development in the Nigerian Educational Sector.

Journal of Occupation and Training Vol.8 No.3, January, 2022

9) Okoroafor P.E.N, Okafor C.A & Ukah F.O. Adult Education Transposition and Women

Illiteracy Eradication in Isuikwuato Milieu: The Geographic Information System

Perspectives: Journal of School of Arts and Social Sciences (JOSASS) Vol. 2, No 1,

January 2022

10) Mbalisi, O.F. & Okoroafor, P.E.N. (2022). Climate change and adult learning in

Nigeria. AE-FUNAI Journal of Education, 2 (1) (Special Issues), 45-53

11) Okoroafor P.E.N. Umo I.S. & Ukwe I.G. (2021): Climated variability and the issues in

flood disaster risk awareness in Nigerian communities NIPES Journal of Science and

Technology Research 3 (4), 271-282

12) Okoroafor P.E.N and Okafor C.A., (2021): Assessment of Biodiversity Loss and

Conservative Strategies in Imo State. Trends in Educational Studies Journal (TRESJJ)

Vol. 13. Issue 1, June 2021,

University of Port Harcourt ISSN: 0795-3186.

13) Okoroafor P.E.N, Okafor C.A., Charles - Akalonu C. (2021) Climate Change and

Criminality in Nigeria , International Journal of Social and Humanities Review

(www.ISSHR.NET) Global Journal of Art, Management and Social Sciences

(www.GOJASS); International Journal of Arts, Languages and Business Studies

(www.IJALBS.COM) ; Two-day Virtual Conference on Socio-Economic Consequences

of COVID-19 on World Society 14th – 15th July 2021.

14) Okoroafor, P.E.N. (2021):"Gender Based Violence in Nigerian Environmental Milieu:

Sexual Harassment/Assault in Tertiary Institutions/Cultural Perspectives. International

Journal of Social and Humanities Review (www.ISSHR.NET) Global Journal of Art,

Management and Social Sciences (www.GOJASS); International Journal of Arts,

Languages and Business Studies (www.IJALBS.COM) ; Two-day Virtual Conference on

Socio-Economic Consequences of COVID-19 on World Society 14th – 15th July 2021.

15) Okoroafor P.E.N, Umo Ikpong & Ifeanyi Gerry Ukwe (2021): Climate variability and

the Issues in Flood Disaster Risk Awareness in Nigerian Communities. Journal of

Science and Technology Research; Nigerian Institution of Professional Engineers and

Scientists (NIPES) Vol.3(4) 2021;doi:10.37933/nipes/3.4.2021.266

16) Okoroafor P.E.N and Mbalisi O.F. (2020): Environmental Literacy Programmes for

Climate Change Adaptation by Farmers in Rivers State; African Journal of Adult

Education and Development Studies (AJAEDS) Vol. 2. December 2020 ISSN 2756-6382

17) Mbalisi, O.F., Okoroafor, P.E.N. & Ezechinnah, C.A (2020). Environmental literacy

programme for climate change adaptation by farmers in Rivers State. African Journal of

Adult Education and Development Studies, 2, 222-232. ISSN: 2756-6382

18) Okoroafor P.E.N, Ononeze P.C & Ibe (2018): Environmental Adult Educational

Delivery Strategies for promoting effective participation. Activities for proper Solid

Waste Management and Urban Development in Abia State, Asia Journal of Education &

Social Studies. 2(1) 1-7 Article No. AJESS 39593.

19) Okoroafor P.E.N., Akakuru O., Akudinobi B. Maduka E. (2017): Application of

Geography information system in the Hydrochemical Evaluation of groundwater in parts

of Eastern Niger Delta Nigeria. American journal of environmental policy &

Management vol. 3. No.6, 2017. PP 39-45.

20) Okoroafor P.E.N, S.I Umo and C.C.Ojinma "Gender -Based Violence in Nigeria: The

Case of Sexual harrassment in Tertiary Institutions. - IOSR Journal of Research and

Method in Education- (International Organization of Scientific Research.ISSN: 2320-

7388. (2014).

21) Okoroafor P.E.N, Ojinma C.C & Umo I.S. Sustainable Development and the need for

effective security for road travellers in Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science

Toxicology and Food Technology, 2009

22) Okoroafor P.E.N, Ven. Egesi Jonathan & Ihekwaba H.C (2018) International Journal of

Humanity and Social Science (IJHSS) Vol. 8.(4) ISSN: 0017-8143, Havard Research St.

Publications International

23) Okoroafor P.E.N. & Igbokwe G.C (2017): Globalization of Arts and Design in

AlvanIkoku Federal College of Education, Owerri; Journal of Occupation & Training

Vol.6 No. I (2017). Publication of school of vocational and technical education

A.I.F.C.E. Owerri.

24) Okoroafor P.E.N. & Igbokwe G.C (2017): Globalization of Arts and Design in Alvan

Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri; Journal of Occupation & Training Vol.6

No. I (2017). Publication of school of vocational and technical education A.I.F.C.E.


25) Okoroafor P.E.N & Ojinma C.C Gender Equality and Environment: A Challenge to

Nigeria, in the year 2015, Alvan Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 5 No.l (Jan) PP. 125-13


26) Okoroafor P.E.N, S.I Umo and C.C. Ojinma (2014): "Gender -Based Violence in

Nigeria: The Case of Sexual harrassment in Tertiary Institutions. IOSR Journal of

Research and Method in Education- (International Organization of Scientific Research.

ISSN: 2320-7388. (2014).Available online from http//


27) Okoroafor P.E.N, Ojinma C.C and M.C Ike Vocation for Geography graduates in a

career scarce Nigerian economy"- Journal of Occupation and Training. Vol 5 No 1

2011.Co-authorship Environmental changes and implications for the health of the

Nigerian masses.

28) P.E.N Okoroafor, C.C. Ojinma and M.C. Ike-Thought on the Career Options for the

sustenance of geography graduates in Nigeria - Journal of Environmental Research and

Policies. 01.6 (3) 2011.

29) Okoroafor P.E.N, Ojinma C.C and IKE M.C (2011). Atomization of the Field of

Geography for the sustenance of Geography Students' Population in Nigerian Institutions:

International Journal of Development Studies, Vol 6. No.4 PP. 104 - 108.

30) Okoroafor P.E.N & Ojinma C.C. (2011): "Gender equality and empowerment: A

challenge to Nigeria in the year 2015"-Co -authorship –-A Journal article in Alvana

Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 1, Jan. 2011

31) Okoroafor P.E.N. and Ojinma C.C. (2010): Gender Based Violence: An exploratory

approach to the contentions of women exploitation". A Journal article of Alvana Journal

of Social Sciences Vol. 4 No.2 Jan. 2010 ISSN: 1595-8531


1) Okoroafor P.E.N, Anyanwu, J. A & Grace D. (2024): Mediating Roles of Educational

Institutions in the management of National Migration governance for A Sustainable

Development in Nigeria: A paper presented at 1st International Conference, 2024 with

the Theme Nigeria and Migration Today; The Diverse Strategies of State and Non-State

Actors at ASUU Secretariat & CMS- NAU, Anambra State. From 1st & 2nd February


2) Okoroafor P.E.N. & Umo I.S. (2024): Coupling the power of Artificial Intelligence in

mitigating human and climate change impacts on biodiversity loss in Oban hotspots,

Nigeria. A Paper presented at the 2nd annual Faculty of Sciences Conference on Science

and Technology Education’s responses to the Artificial Intelligence Era for National

Development held at NAS Conference Hall, AIFUE, Owerri, Imo State, 21st – 23rd May,


3) Okoroafor P.E.N., Umo I.S & Amadi J.C. (2024): Statistical modeling of heavy metals

in the Kwa Iboe River and its implications on water resource development. A Paper

presented at the Faculty of Social Sciences on Climate change, Migration and Security

held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12th – 15th March, 2024`

4) Okoroafor P.E.N, Umo I.S & Orie Ibeauchi I. Climate Change and Structural Marxism

as bases for Economic Growth and Development in the Nigerian Educational Sector.

Journal of Occupation and Training Vol.8 No.3, January, 2022

5) Okoroafor,P.E.N (2021):Environmental Decay and Education of the Ruralites in

Isuikwuato Community Milieu: A Descriptive Analytical Dimension. A Paper presented

at the 27th Annual Conference of the Environment and Behaviour Association of

Nigeria (EBAN) Babcock University, Illishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria, 9th -12th

May 2021.8

6) Okoroafor P.E.N, Okafor C.A & Ukah Finian O (2021): Adult Learning Transposition

and Women Illiteracy Eradication in Isuikwuato Milieu: The Geographic information

System Perspectives. A Paper presented at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, Alvan

Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State National Conference with the

Theme – Issues of Insecurity and Adjustment in Post-COVID-19 Era, Challenges of

Innovations towards Sustainable Development held on 5th -7th July, 2021.

7) Okoroafor P.E.N, Mbalisi O.F: (2021) Climate Change and Adult Learning in Nigeria.

A paper presented at an International Conference with a theme – climate change and

education for sustainable development held at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-

Alike Ebonyi State from Monday 17th – Thursday 20th May, 2021.

8) Okoroafor P.E.N, Umo Ikpong & Ifeanyi Gerry Ukwe (2021): Climate variability and

the Issues in Flood Disaster Risk Awareness in Nigerian Communities. Journal of

Science and Technology Research; Nigerian Institution of Professional Engineers and

Scientists (NIPES) Vol.3(4)2021

9) Okoroafor P.E.N, (2021): Climate Change and Structural Marxism as Basis for

Sustainable Development of Nigerian Educational Sector. 7th National Conference of

AIFCE School of Vocational and Technical Education from 28th – 30th July, 2021.

10) Okoroafor P.E.N and Okafor C.A., (2021): Assessment of Biodiversity Loss and

Conservative Strategies in Imo State. Trends in Educational Studies Journal (TRESJJ)

Vol. 13. Issue 1, June 2021, University of Port Harcourt ISSN: 0795-3186.

11) Okoroafor, P.E.N (2021): Environmental Restoration Through the Recycling of

Poultry Waste for Quality Poultry Feeds. A Paper presented at the 7th National

Conference School of Vocational and Technical Education of Alvan Ikoku Federal

College of Education , Owerri, Imo State from 28th - 30th July 2021.

12) Okoroafor P.E.N., Umo Ikpong Sunday, Ukwe I.G. (2021) Climate Variability and

Trend in Urban Environmental Flood Disaster Risk Awareness in Nigeria. The 1st

International conference of the Nigerian Institution of Professional Engineers and

Scientists, NIPES 7th – 8th Oct. 2021 University of Benin.

13) Okoroafor P.E.N. (2021):Re-positioning Quality Assurance Mechanisms in Adult

Education for good governance: The Place of State's Agencies on Nigerian Women

Education for Environment Sustenance, Being a Paper presented at the 20th Annual

Meeting/National Conference of the Nigerian Environment Society 10th - 12th

November, 2021 at Ibom Icon Hotels & Golf Resort, Uyo- Akwa-Ibom State, and

Theme: Global Environmental Challenges; Risks & Opportunities.

14) Okoroafor P.E.N. & Mary Achubie (2021): Dynamism of Information and

Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning Environmental Education. A

Paper presented at the 1st International Conference of the Society of Professional

Engineers and Scientists (NIPES) on the Theme: Environment and Sustainability for

Ecologically SMART Future, from 7th - 8th October 2021 at the University of Benin,

Edo State, Nigeria.9

15) Okoroafor P.E.N. (2021): Biodiversity Conservation in Cultural Milieu of Imo State

for Environmental Stewardship. A Paper presented at the International Conference with

the Theme: Climate Change and Education for sustainable development held at Alex

Ekweme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State from Monday 17th -Thursday

20th May 2021.

16) Okoroafor P.E.N, Okafor C.A (2021): Climate Change and Innovative Response

Strategies for Rural Community Sustenance. . A Paper presented at the School of Arts

and Social Sciences, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State

National Conference with the Theme – Issues of Insecurity and Adjustment in Post-

COVID-19 Era, Challenges of Innovations towards Sustainable Development held on 5th

- 7th July, 2021.

17) Okoroafor P.E.N Chinyere Gift Evans, (2020): The Role of Geographic Information

System (GIS) In Environmental Education Programmes for Sustainable Development of

Cities/Communities: A Paper presented at 2018 International Conference Owerri, Imo

State on Social Science Education: Issues and Challenges in 21st Century

(25thNovember, 2020) at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri Event Centre

18) Okoroafor P.E.N and Mbalisi O.F. (2020): Environmental Literacy Programmes for

Climate Change Adaptation by Farmers in Rivers State; African Journal of Adult

Education and Development Studies (AJAEDS) Vol. 2. December 2020 ISSN 2756-6382

19) Okoroafor P.E.N and Mbalisi O.F. (2020): Environmental Literacy Programmes for

Climate Change Adaptation by Farmers in Rivers State; African Journal of Adult

Education and Development Studies (AJAEDS) Vol. 2. December 2020 ISSN 2756-


20) Okoroafor P.E.N, Okafor C.A, Ukah Finian O. (2020): Adult Literacy and Skills

Acquisition Programmes as Correlates of Women empowerment in the Post-COVID-19

Era in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 17th Annual International Virtual Conference

with the theme: Optimization of Teaching and Learning in a Post-COVID-19 Era. The

Paradigmatic Imperative held on Wednesday, 25th November, 2020 at the Faculty of

Education University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

21) Okoroafor P.E.N, Okafor C.A. (2019): Environmental Factors and Family Life:

Implications on the Child's Welfare and Sustenance. A Paper presented at the 59th

Annual Conference of Association of Nigerian Geographers held at the University of

Ibadan from 4th - 9th November 2019 with the Theme: Geography and Sustainable

National Development.

22) Okoroafor P.E.N (2018): Adult Learners and the Environment: A Future Directional

Analysis of Environmental Education Programming. A Paper presented at the Social

Science Teachers' Association of Nigeria (SOSTAN) 2018 International Conference

Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria on Social Science Education Issues and Challenges in 21

Century, (4th - 7th September 2018).10

23) Okoroafor P.E.N. (2018): Climate Change implications and Innovative Response

Strategies for Rural Community: A Paper presented at 2018 International Conference

Owerri, Imo State on Social Science Education: Issues and Challenges in 21st Century

(4 th-7th September, 2018) at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri Event


24) Okoroafor P.E.N. (2018): Problems of Rural Water Quality in Owerri North Local

Government Area and Environmental Education Programming. A Conference Paper

presented at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State organized by Association of Nigerian

Geographers with the Theme: Geography and Sustainable National Development, 4th -

9th November, 2018.

25) Okoroafor P.E.N., Igbokwe G. (2017): Globalization of Environmental Art and Design

in (A.I.F.C.E.) Higher Education. The Nigerian perspective. A paper presented at the

annual conference of school of social sciences under the auspices of department of

religious & cultural studies A.I.F.C.E. Owerri on 17th -18th Oct. 2017.

26) Okoroafor P.E.N, and Nlem P.C.(2016): The Role of Environmental Education on Food

Sustainability Among Rural Farmers in Nigeria.A Paper presented at the Nigerian

Academy of Education, Alvan Ikoku Federal College, Owerri Imo State; 22nd - 23rd

25 th November, 2016.

27) Okoroafor P.E.N. and Mary O. (2016): Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis

on Environmental Safety of Community Markets in Imo State, Nigeria. Being a Paper

presented at the 26th Annual Meeting/National Conference 4th - 5th November, 2016 at

City Global Hotels, Port-Harcourt Goad, Owerri, Imo State.

28) Okoroafor P.E.N and S.I Umo (2016): Fire Disater Risk Awareness by P.E.N Okoroafor.

Seminar organized at Asaba -Delta State by Busy Managers development Consult 2016.

29) Okoroafor P.E.N. and Okafor C. (2016). Guidance and counseling in Adult Education

performance. An effective approach to reforming the environmental education sector in

rural community schools. A paper presented at the Nigeria Academy of Education, school

of General Education A.I.F.C.E. Owerri, date; 22nd - 23rd November 2016..

30) Okoroafor P.E.N. and Okpular S.I (2014): Impending factors against Adult Education

Programs in Ovum Community,Abia State, Nigeria. A Paper presented at the 10th World

Congress on Education and National Development in Africa: Prospects and Challenges,

held on December 5th – 6th 2014 at the Centre for African Wetlands, University of Ghana


31) Okoroafor, P.E.N, S.I. Umo & C.C Ojinma "Gender Based Violence in Nigeria: The

Case of Sexual Harrassment in Tertiary Intitutions:. ": A paper presented at the 1st

National Conference of the College of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU) South-

East Zone that took place at AlvanIkoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State.l5th

-19th May, 2012.

32) Okoroafor P.E.N and S.I. Umo (2012):"Sustainable Development and the Need for

Effective Security Road Travelers' in Nigeria": A paper presented at the Academic 11

Conference of the School of Social Sciences held at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education,

Owerri, Imo State. 18th - 19 July 2012.

33) Environmental Hazards and Education ot the Ruralites: A case Study of Isuikwato Gully

Erosion Sites in Abia State.A Paper presented at the 1st National Conference of the

College of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU), South-East Zone that took place

at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, IMo State. 15th - 19th May 2012.

34) Okoroafor P.E.N and Ike M.C. Cause and Effects of Gender Based Violence in Nigeria:

Analysis of conceptual issues - Paper presented at the conference on the Implementation of

International Action on Population and Development, Umuahia, 5th -7th July 2011.

35) Okoroafor P.E.N and Umo S.I. (2010): Realism in 2000 Decade; A thought on the

Curriculum for the sustenance of Geography Graduates in Nigeria. A Paper presented at

the 6th National Conference of the School of Agriculture and Vocational Studies held at

Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria 5th – 10th

December, 2010.

36) Okoroafor P.E.N and M.C. Ike (2009): Participatory Approach, “The Importance for

Managing the Environment of Imo State". Presented at the 11th annual conference of

EBAN. Unizik Awka .12th-15th Nov.2009

37) Okoroafor P.E.N (2009): "Environmental Changes their Implications for the Health of

the Nigerian Masses" A paper presented at the 16th annual National conference of

environment and behavior association of Nigeria (EBAN), held at the Nnamdi Azikiwe

University, Awka, Anambra State.-12th -14th November 2009

38) Okoroafor P.E.N (2008): "Modern Education: A myth or reality in changing the status

of women"- A paper presented at the Nigerian National association for gender equity

(NNAFGE) on 11th of March 2008, at University of Port Harcourt Rivers state.

39) Okoroafor P.E.N (2008) :"Environmental Hazards and Education of the Ruralites: A

case study of Isuikwuato gully erosion sites in Abia State" A paper presented at the 15th

Annual conference of the environment and behavior Association of Nigeria (EBAN) Babkock

University 6th -9th May 2008

40) Okoroafor P.E.N (2008): "Climate Change and Nigeria Environment: A Way Forward"

A paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the School of Social Sciences

AlvanIkoku College of Education, Owerri on 20th - 22nd November 2008.

41) Okoroafor P.E.N (2005): "The Role of Transport Network on Development

Perspective on the Nigerian economy."- A paper presented at the 47th annual conference

of the Nigerian geographical association held at the 14th-17th August 2005.

42) Okoroafor P.E.N (2005): "Application Contraceptive Technology for a Healthier

Environment":-A paper presented at the National conference and workshop of the school of

Natural science Alvan Ikoku College of education Owerri- October 4th - 7th 2005.

43) Okoroafor P.E.N (2002): "Evaluating Learners Achievement In Geography": A Paper

Presented At The 37th Annual Conference Of Nigeria Geographical Association (NA) Ondo

College Of Education, Ado Ekiti Ondo State 5th - 8th April 2002.12

44) Okoroafor P.E.N (2000): "Problems Militating Against Teachers Participating In

Curriculum Process And Change And The Effects On Students' Academic Performance":

A Paper Presented at the Alvan International Conference On Educational Studies And

Research Held At Alvan Ikoku College Of Education, Owerri 9th - 13th August, 2000.

45) Okoroafor P.E.N (1996): "The Relevance of Formulation of Goals and Objectives in

Curriculum Planning and Developmental Process:" A Paper Presented at the 1996 National

Inaugural Conference of Nigeria (USAN) At The Auditorium A.I .C. E Owerri. From 20th -

23 rd 1996.

46) Okoroafor P.E.N (1991): Resources for the Teaching of Geography": A Paper Presented

at the Center for Educational Technology Awka Anambra State Held on March 1991.


1) Participated in the Alvan Ikoku University of Education, Owerri, A 2 Day

Workshop on Research writing and Grant Accessing ( A practical Demonstration)

organized by Research Committee, Faculty of Sciences A.I.U.E, Owerri 30th

November - 1st December, 2023

2) Workshop on the Review of NCE Minimum Standard organized by National Commission

For Colleges of Education, Abuja at Federal College of Education, (T), Gombe, Gombe

State, held from 16th march – 22nd 2019.

3) Participated in the Workshop on Train the Trainers workshop on the Trafficking in

Persons Issues Mainstreamed into the NCE Minimum Standards, which took place from

28-29 November, 2019 in Enugu, Enugu State, and Organized by ICMPD under the FMM

Wet Africa Project. (Project jointly funded by the European Union and ECOWAS.

4) Participated on the Review of NCE Minimum Standard organized by National

Commission For Colleges of Education, Abuja at Federal College of Education, (T),

Gombe, Gombe State, held from 16th march – 22nd 2019.

5) Participated [n the Sensitization Seminar on Dangers of Irregular Migration among

Nigerian Youth in collaboration with A.I.F.C.E, Owerri and IOM/CSO/UN System 25th

May, 2018.

6) Facilitated the Seminar on Fire Disaster Risk Awareness. Seminar organized at Asaba-

Delta State by Busy Managers development Consult 2016.

7) Participated in the Workshop organized by United Nations educational scientific and

cultural organization on Guidance and counseling for School -age girls with a gender

sensitive approach, 23rd of October, 1998.

8) Facilitation Role as UN-System-State Supervisor – Baseline/End-line Survey/Report 2007/2009

9) Facilitation Role as a Resource Person in the 2008 MDGs Teachers Retraining Programme

under the Millennium Development Goals Project 20th - 25th October, 2008 ( As Resource

Person for10) Facilitation Role as a Resource Person in the National Teacher' Institute Training Workshop for

Primary School Teachers under the Millennium Dev. Goal Project, 4th - 9th September, 2006.

11) Participated in the Capacity building workshop for Lecturers in Nigerian colleges of

education &NCE awarding polytechnics.

12) Participated in the United Nations Basic Security, Safety, Health and Welfare


13) Participated in the Ramtec Safety Services Workshop.

14) Participated in the Geographic Information System (GIS) training workshop

15) Facilitated Busy manager’s development consult Seminar.

16) Facilitation Role in the Alvana Volunteer Services - 2016; 2018 ; 2019

17) Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria,(TRCN) training for Induction


Duties Performed Within

1) Appointment as Member, Constitution of a Committee on Resource

Verification/Accreditation of Undergraduate Programmes of A.I.U.E, Owerri. 19th,

February, 2024

2) Appointment as Member of the Statutes and Legal Sub-Committee of the University

Transition, 16th January, 2024.

3) Appointment as Dean, School of Arts and Social Sciences effect from 13th

September, 2023

4) Appointment Coordinator/Chairman College Timetable Unit 2022

5) Appointment –Head Geography and Environmental Studies (2011-2012, 2016/2017;

2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020 & 2020/2021)

6) Appointment-(Member) College Timetable Committee- Member (2017 - 2021).

7) Appointment-(Chairman) Departmental Accreditation/Quality Assurance Officer,


8) Appointment- Departmental Exam Committee, Member) 2017-2021/2022.

9) Directorate of Alvana Volunteer Services, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of

Education, Owerri, Imo State.( Facilitator- From 2017 till date);

10)Appointment, Academic Adviser - NCE/Degree programmes from 2016 till date

11)Appointment, Member College Environ. and Sanitation Committee, 2015 till date.

1312) Appointment of Electoral Board for School of Arts and Social Sciences. 2015..

13) Appointment- (Welfare Officer) Department of Geography & Environmental

Studies 2004-2008

14) Geography and Environmental Studies Departmental Board Meeting, (Secretary)




1) External Examiner in the Department of Geography, Nwafor Oritzu College of

Education, Nsugbe, Onitsha- 2019/2020; 2020/2021/2021/2022.

2) Resource person/Facilitator – Busy managers Development Consult - 2016

3) Ovim community league (Secretary) (Isuikwuato L.G.A Abia state, 1994-2000; 2005-

2014; 2017-2019.

4) Facilitator- Sensitization Seminar on Dangers of Irregular Migration among Nigerian

Youth in collaboration with A.I.F.C.E, Owerri and IOM/CSO/UN System - 2018

5) Resource Persons/Facilitator – SURE-P Graduate Internship Program – 2015

6) State Supervisor- UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Baseline/Endline Survey/Report

System -2007-2009 - 2011(Consultancy capacity).

7) Resource Person/Facilitator– MDGs/UBE/NTI Teachers’ Development Programme -


8) Presbyter –Divine Love-Wisdom Assembly 2005.

9) Ovim Community League (Secretary Owerri Branch- Women wing) (Isuikwuato

L.G.A Abia state) 1994-2000; 2005-2014; 2017- 2019.


 Commendation Letter from the Office of the Registrar of the College on behalf of the

Academic Board for excellent services rendered to the College (4th May 2021). (being

Head of Department for 6 tenures)

 Award of Excellence-UNN Degree Students Association


i. Capacity Building for Effective Advocacy on Migration issues Among

Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria: Environmental Education

Programming Perspective. ( Institutional Group Research, 2019)

ii. Remediation Strategies on Gully Erosion Menace in South Eastern Nigeria

M.Sc Thesis (2017)


iii. "River Quality and Human Interferences in South Eastern Nigeria" (2016)

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